Our shower drain is backed up. I tried the DIY fixes, with no result. Now it's time to call a plumber, which takes financial courage!
Statistics show that 57% of Americans can’t pay an unexpected $1000 expense. As a result, unexpected expenses are a large source of credit card debt, which can create significant stress and strain on your personal and professional lives.
“The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.” Proverbs 22:3 NIVUK
Scriptures encourage us to be prudent and prepared for the unexpected. One way of doing this is to build an Emergency Fund. Save and set aside 3-6 months living expenses for unexpected events, like hiring a plumber.
The principle here is: do the hard work before you need it. Then you will have a buffer to weather life's storms.
The same is true of leadership and particularly, communication. Too many people have thought for years about learning to coach, but don't get around to taking coaching training until they change jobs, retire, or their kids move out.
Developing your leadership skills along the way ensures that you're ready when you really need them. Like tapping into your Emergency Fund when the plumber hands you an unexpected bill.
Grace & Peace,
Keith Webb