Coaching the Whole Person

(15 ICF training hours)

Advanced Coaching Skills for Transformation

Great coaches focus on the whole person – their internal ways of being, mindsets, and their development.

The attitudes and behaviors you see are just indicators of what's going on inside a person. In order to achieve lasting change, we have to coach the whys - the meaning behind the client's choices. The thing is, most people aren't clear on why they do what they do!

If you want more transformation from your coaching, Coaching the Whole Person is for you.

Here are some of the things you'll learn:

  • Our 10-part Why-We-Do-What-We-Do Framework.
  • Common coaching practices that limit your effectiveness.
  • 5 tools to listen for, recognize, and coach internal beliefs and perspectives.
  • How to help clients break the Reaction Cycle and gain control of their responses.
  • A process to harness the powerful forces of emotions.
  • How to coach emotional self-awareness.
  • The ICF PCC Markers and how to coach at a PCC level.

You Can't Practice What You Don't Hear

Advanced coaches hear openings to coach what's going on inside the client. We'll show you how to ask for, recognize, and coach the client's internal processing - including emotions.

Emotions? Yes! The ICF mentions coaching emotions 5 times in the Core Competencies. We'll show you how to coach emotional self-awareness in clients, without straying into counseling.

Learning Through Instruction & Practice

Sessions are led by Dr. Keith Webb, PCC and include discussion and skill practice. You'll see coaching demonstrations by Instructors, you'll coach, and be coached - with feedback and discussion. Practice is emphasized so you move from knowing about these skills, to being able to do them.

If you've completed our Level 1 Coaching Mastery training, step up the results of your coaching and move toward your Level 2 Certificate with Coaching the Whole Person.

Course Outline & Objectives

Session 1: Why We Do What We Do Framework

  • Why people don't fundamentally change.
  • Understand a person's 3 Selfs: 
    • The External Self: What's seen.
    • The Processing Self: How meaning is made.
    • The Internal Self: The whys of meaning.
  • How to listen beyond the facts to draw out meaning.
  • Coaching practice & feedback.

Session 2: Explore the Internal

  • Noticing Reaction and Reflective Cycles.
  • 5 tools to prompt internal reflection.
  • Avoiding questions that sidetrack internal reflection.
  • How to coach internal limitations.
  • Coaching practice & feedback.

Session 3: Establishing Agreement to Coach the Internal

  • How to set up the coaching relationship to coach the whole person.
  • How to establish coaching the whole person in Outcome.
  • Coaching demonstrations & practice.
Session 4: Coaching Emotions
  • How emotional self-awareness affects client results.
  • 5 steps to coach emotional self-awareness.
  • Coaching & feedback.

About this Course


  • As this is an advanced course, at least 60+ coaching training hours and 80+ client coaching hours. 

Additional requirements:

  • Implement coaching with your clients.
  • Additional reading homework.

ICF Credit Hours:

  • 15 ICF training hours as part of the our ICF Level 2 Certificate. 
  • You can use these hours for your ICF membership, coach credential, or credential renewal. All hours are Core Competencies.

Your Instructor:

  • Dr. Keith Webb, PCC

If you miss part of the course...
  • You may miss up to 25% the live class sessions and make them up by listening to records.
Recommended Classes after Coaching the Whole Person...

What Participants are Saying...

"The issue is rarely the issue, but how do you learn how to get to the real issue and then coach around it? Coaching the Whole Person gives you a simple blueprint on how to do that and it will transform your practice as you see the transformation of your clients."  -- Jerry Campbell, Dream Manager, Actsoft, Inc.

"Attending to the whole person provides a strong foundation for helping a client move forward."  -- Steve Sartori, Director, Center for Well-being, The Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA)

Coaching The Whole Person Pricing and Dates

Standard Registration $1,150
Early Registration $950 (Full payment 14 days early)

Find the best time for you below and click Enroll Now.
(Clicking a date will show your timezone.)

June 23242627, 2025 (US Evening / Asia Morning)
5:00 - 8:30 pm Pacific
8:00 - 11:30 pm Eastern
+ 1 day, 08:00 - 11:30 Singapore
+ 1 day, 10:00 - 13:30 Sydney
+ 1 day, 12:00 - 15:30 Auckland

October 20212324, 2025
9:00 am - 12:30 pm Pacific
12:00 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern
17:00 - 20:30 London
18:00 - 21:30 Paris & Cape Town
20:00 - 23:30 Dubai

Dates don't work for you? Join the Announcement List and we'll let you know when the next course is scheduled.


Keith WebbIf you're a Christian leader and want to multiply your impact, we can help. I developed The COACH Model® and our ICF-approved Christian coaching training to help you achieve organizational results while simultaneously developing people.

Since 2005, we led leadership development and coaching processes in more than 30 countries from over 350 organizations. In the past 3 years, we trained more than 10,000 leaders in coaching skills.

Learn more about us »



We work remotely to keep rent from raising the price of our coaching training. The best way to contact us is via email. We can give you a call, if you wish.

Monday - Friday 
9am to 5pm (Pacific time)

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