It's summer here where I live, which means the sun is—finally—out for a few short weeks!
On sunny days, you'll find me on a boat instead of in my office at a computer.
It's called recreation. Something I'm not very good at, but need more in my life. Frankly, it's easier for me to just work all the time.
I don't think God made us to go-go-go all of the time. We're to have regular rhythms of work and rest. I think of sabbath days, festivals, rotation of fields, years of jubilee, as just a few biblical examples of weekly, seasonal, and annual rhythms.
We're to re-create during these times of not working so intensely. To renew our strength. Our faith. Our relationships.
These habits, far from being unproductive, are a different kind of productivity. Stephen Covey used to call it "sharpening the saw," rather than pushing through with a dull tool.
What are you doing to re-create yourself these days?
Look for Lori and me on a boat on Lake Washington or Puget Sound.